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Acceptance of the Present Moment

Updated: Jan 22

And Here We Are: Acceptance of the Present Moment and Finding Peace in What Is

There are moments in life when you simply look around and think, “And here we are…” You might not have expected things to turn out this way. Maybe you thought by now you’d have it all figured out. Maybe your life isn’t looking like the beautiful picture you envisioned. Or maybe you’re right in the middle of a big change, and the future feels uncertain. Whatever the case, the truth remains: you are here, in this very moment, right now.

And here we are - acceptance of the present moment is powerful.

The tricky thing about being human is that we have this innate tendency to resist whatever is in front of us. Whether it’s a situation we don’t like, a problem we wish would go away, or the general messiness of life, we push against it. We don’t want to accept where we are, and we sure don’t want to face the uncomfortable emotions that come with it. But here’s the thing—the more you resist, the more tension you create inside yourself. The more unease, the more upset, the more frustration. It’s like swimming upstream when you could be floating downstream.

When you’re constantly in resistance, you’re giving away your power. You’re telling the Universe, "I don't like this, and I don’t want this," instead of leaning into the present and saying, “I trust I can make this work. I trust I can move forward with calm, with grace, and with clarity.”

Acceptance of the present moment

You see, the Universe doesn’t respond to what you hope will happen in the future—it responds to what you feel right now. If you’re constantly in a state of longing or frustration, you’re putting out energy that matches that. But when you can lean into acceptance, when you can say, “Okay, this is where I am right now,” you immediately shift your energy. And that shift is powerful. That’s when the Universe can step in and help you make the changes you need.

Here’s the golden nugget of wisdom: Acceptance of the present moment does not mean giving up. It means acknowledging that this moment, this circumstance, this season of life is where you are, and that’s perfectly okay. From that place of acceptance, you have the ability to pivot, to change course, and to move toward something better with an inner sense of calm. There’s a subtle but profound difference between “hoping for a better tomorrow” and having the absolute belief that tomorrow will indeed be better. One comes from uncertainty, while the other comes from a deep knowing in your heart that everything is unfolding as it should.

So, if you’re in a space where life isn’t looking how you thought it would, here’s a simple but powerful truth: Lean into what is.

Have acceptance of the present moment and trust the process the Universe has planned for you.

Here are five ways you can start accepting the present moment and the circumstances you find yourself in:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step toward acceptance of the present moment is to stop pretending you’re fine when you’re not. Acknowledge your feelings, even the messy ones. Feel your sadness, frustration, or confusion. Recognizing and allowing yourself to feel your emotions is a powerful act of self-compassion. This doesn’t mean wallowing in negativity, but it does mean giving yourself permission to be human. When you honour your feelings, you stop resisting them, and that’s where the healing begins.

2. Shift from “Why Is This Happening?” to “What Can I Learn?”

Instead of focusing on the why, which often leads to a spiral of frustration, ask yourself, “What is this teaching me?” Life has a beautiful way of guiding us, even through the challenges. Every situation holds a lesson if we’re willing to open our eyes to it. When you shift your focus to what you can learn from this moment, you automatically move from a place of resistance to a place of curiosity and growth.

3. Practice Gratitude for Where You Are

Even if your circumstances don’t look perfect, there is always something to be grateful for. Gratitude is a game changer. It shifts your energy and perspective. Take a moment to find three things you’re thankful for right now, even if they’re small. When you practice gratitude, you’re sending a message to the Universe that you’re open to more blessings and ready to move forward.

Gratitude and acceptance of the present moment is a powerful combination!

4. Release the Need to Control Everything

You don’t have to have everything figured out, and you don’t need to control every single outcome. Surrendering the need to control is a powerful way to release resistance. The truth is, the Universe often has a bigger and more beautiful plan for us than we could have imagined. When you can let go of the “how” and trust the process, you free yourself up to receive what’s next.

5. Visualize Your Desired Outcome, but Stay Grounded in the Now

There’s a place for dreaming and visualizing, but that can’t be the only place you reside. To create the future you desire, you must first be present in the current moment. Visualize where you want to go, but simultaneously release the need for it to happen on your timeline. Trust that what is meant for you is on its way, and all you have to do is keep showing up with belief and calm in the now.

When you practice acceptance of the present moment, you free up energy to move toward the future you want—without the burden of stress or resistance.

And here we are...

And here we are—exactly where we’re meant to be. You are not behind. You are not failing. You are exactly where you need to be to learn, grow, and create your next chapter. When you accept the now, you invite peace into your heart and clarity into your mind. You also open the door for new opportunities, insights, and blessings that will help you move forward with more confidence and grace than ever before.

Remember: The Universe responds to your energy, and the energy of acceptance is magnetic. So lean into it, trust the process, and let the magic unfold. 🌟


Is there a particular situation or challenge you’d like me to dive into in a future blog post? Let me know in the comments or shoot me a message—I’m here for you!

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© Ruthy Baker 2025

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