Are you over-dependent on tarot readers? Are you addicted to psychic phone lines? Do you want to stop phoning psychic or tarot phone lines? Then the Be Psychic Free course is for you!
Stop Phoning Psychics & Tarot Readers
The course has video, audio and written content, together with a manual/workbook with questions and journalling ideas – it’s the perfect way to learn how to overcome worry about what the future holds for you.
It’s chock full of techniques, including hypnosis and emotional freedom technique. As well as some less well-known but incredibly effective methods.
What would it feel like to no longer be Addicted to Psychic Phone Lines?
Move from anxiety about the future - to becoming the future focussed badass babe you want to be! Stop wasting your time and money, instead it's time to become confident about facing what’s around the corner. What would it feel like to no longer be addicted to psychic phone lines and feel calm about what’s happening now in your life? What would that be worth to you?
You’ll have access to additional bonus materials, as well as the opportunity to submit questions via the course platform.
Imagine what it would feel like to finally Be Psychic Free...
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© Ruthy Baker 2020