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How to Deal with a Problem

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

How many times have you found yourself not knowing how to deal with a problem? Have you felt stuck with it and believed that that problem leads to a dead end? Are you currently stumped and think that a dilemma before you can’t be solved?

Does it feel like you have exhausted all possible options and the search for a solution feels like banging your head against a brick wall? Fear not, help is at hand…

Use problem solving techniques

Creative problem-solving techniques can help you look at problems in a different light – perhaps the light at the end of the tunnel!

But first, you need to be open to the fact that there may be more than just one solution to your problem. Once you move from ‘problem focussed’ to ‘solution focussed’, your brain will follow suit and begin to search for the answer that clears the glitch. And there are ways to stoke up the fire of creative problem-solving.

Two heads are better than one

Remember the old adage that two heads are better than one? It’s truer than it sounds. Maybe you can discuss the difficulty you face with trusted friends or mentors. Perhaps you’ll benefit from listening to all the ideas each person has and comparing them. This is especially true when the person you’re talking to has had experience solving problems similar to yours. They know how to deal with a problem!

If there’s nobody that you can think of that could offer helpful advice, then you can utilize the following popular neuro-linguistic technique:

Imagine someone (either living or from history) who has exceptional problem-solving capabilities and would be a great mentor. Think Einstein, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Socrates – or any other person who fits the bill for you.

Imagine them standing a few feet away from you and concentrate on how confident they are. Think about the different way their mind is wired from yours.

Examine how they look and the way in which they move, how they breathe, their facial expression. In your mind’s eye, go into as much detail as you can about who they are, their characteristics and mindset, and how they operate. This will take a few minutes.

Next, imagine you’re able to move forward and ‘step into’ them and feel what it’s like to be them. Allow your mind to temporarily rewire itself to match theirs. Now breathe in the exact same way as they do.

Feel the sense of confidence rising in you, the belief that you already have the answer you seek within you. Let every cell in your body align with theirs as you breathe in and out steadily.

Sleep on it!

Now allow your combined minds to consider how to deal with a problem before you, and mull over various solutions. Just let your minds soar into the field of possibilities contained within your conscious and subconscious minds. Between you agree that you’ll both sleep on it and that the best solution will present it to you.

When it feels right, thank them for their help and step back out of your mentor and back into your original position. Next, simply go about your day.

Be patient and sleep on it. This will give your subconscious mind the time to sift through all the data and possibilities to find the ideal answer. In the morning you’ll probably find your mind is buzzing with ideas. Write them down as this will help you to consider their viability.

You might like to carry out this exercise another day with a different imagined mentor. Again, sleep on it to see what other thoughts and ideas present themselves to you.

Creative thinking exercises help to wire your brain to become a better, more flexible, problem solver. Using such techniques over time can help you to feel less overwhelmed by the slings and arrows, or the odd curveball, and move you into a space where you feel calmer and more in control when faced with the unexpected or unwanted. So, now you know how to deal with a problem!

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And there's more!

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© Ruthy Baker 2020


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