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Is Your Head in the Clouds?

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

Can you really watch your thoughts like clouds? I think so…

I remember when I was a young child, my favorite activity was to go to a small hill near what was then my home in Kluang, Malaysia. It became my sacred place to watch the sky. I’d go up there with a few friends and we’d lean back against the soft earth and watch the clouds roll by. It was a magical place.

What made the whole thing interesting and fun was we’d be looking at the exact same thing, but would come up with totally different ideas about what we were looking at. I could be looking at a cloud and see dragons or angels. One friend would say that it looked like a horse, a dog or plant.

Another friend would chime in and say that the cloud looked like some person or story book character.

We all knew that there was no right or wrong answer. That’s what made it fun. It’s kind of like a collective way of jogging everybody’s imaginations. It was a way of inspiring each other or stirring up jokes.

As Inside, So Outside

Of course, the clouds were a mirror of our mind’s eye. We’d look at them without judgement, just curiosity. When I was older, I discovered that you and I can do the same with our thoughts.

It’s possible to develop enough of an emotional distance from your thoughts, that you can just lean back and acknowledge them. There’s no need to freak out. There’s no need to get predictably angry or upset when some sort of mental image comes to mind. You can process your thoughts just like clouds.

This Too Will Pass

When clouds come over, and it doesn’t matter how dark they are or how much rain they contain, the clouds will blow away. Sooner or later, they will pass. It is no surprise that a lot of people who view their thoughts like clouds develop an attitude of “This too will pass.”

When you wrap your mind around the fact that you can allow your thoughts to flow in and out, without trying to hold on to them, it enables you to stop obsessing about things in the future or in the past. You can learn to simply stop and observe, without getting tangled up in your thoughts.

Maybe something bad happened to you in the past. Maybe you’re embarrassed about something. Maybe you are feeling bad about something that somebody else did to you. Learning to acknowledge these thoughts without being owned by them is the most liberating feeling that you could ever have.

You no longer have to let your emotions get the better of you. You no longer have to worry about your past having such a hold on you, that it prevents you from moving on. This is freedom.

Your Thoughts Are Interpretations

What’s so awesome about it is, all that it takes is for you to change your attitude about your thoughts. They’re not present reality, they’re interpretations.

You can choose your interpretations. You can switch your focus to interpretations that make you feel stronger, worthier, more beautiful and happier. That’s how you edit your reality and that’s why you have to learn the mental techniques that will enable you to watch your thoughts like clouds.

So, if you’re someone who has your head in the clouds, remember that you can turn that into your mindset superpower!

“She was a beautiful dreamer. The kind of girl, who kept her head in the clouds, loved above the stars and left regret beneath the earth she walked on.” – Robert M Drake

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Sending you love and hugs...

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